Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them

Yesterday one of my fellow writers decided to show his ass by stating, that basically all girls suck at gaming.  I deliberately kept out of the downfall, which he brought on himself with this stupid article.  I have yet to figure out if he was serious or trying to make a point that stereotypes can go both […]

You Do Not Own The Games You Buy.

Gamer Entitlement is the concept that Gamers “own” wholeheartedly the games they purchase. Apparently no one reads EULAs anymore! When you buy a game, you buy the privilege of playing the game. Imagine walking to a car dealer and buying your car license along with the car, however it’s only for that car, only you can drive[…]

This is Why Girls Suck At Gaming

Girls generally suck at games compared to guys as a whole.  It’s a bizarre phenomena that has mystified men throughout history.  Here is why… Low Interest and Superiority Complex In general, girls don’t have the level of passion that men have towards gaming. Their passion is collectively focused on shopping, gossiping and talking on the phone for[…]



6 Fantasy Action Try Before You Buy Games

With so many games out there and so little time to play them all, gamers must choices as to what they will spend their hard-earned money on.  It’s nice when you can try the game before you actually buy it without spending a dime.  Steam has several which you can and this is six Fantasy Action style games that[…]