I have failed you, my friends. Last week I missed the launch of an expansion to what is arguably the #1 game franchise still on the shelves. Civilization V: Gods and Kings was launched on June 19th as an add on to the core game, created by Firaxis Games. It adds religion and spies as well as: […]
There’s something unique about Virtual Worlds that all MMO’s fail at. With the MMO market saturated and highly competitive, this is a story of why Elder Scrolls Online will fail. In the last 3 years, we’ve had a flood of MMO’s that are basically clones of World of Warcraft gameplay, or at least trying. A Few of[…]
PC gaming will always be superior to console gaming. The gaming industry is constantly pushing the limits of graphics, cpu and ram power, and the only machine that can keep up with industry demands is the PC. Here are the Top 5 Reasons PC Gaming Is Better than Console Gaming: 5. Graphics Drop a cold hard G[…]